Education : It Is Not About The Diploma and The Job!

Education is very needed by human, no matter what their level are. It definitely gives big contributions for them who wants to become successful person. Education is absolutely important for people. There is no successful person without having good education before. Basically, person with low quality in education will get low quality in life. High quality in education is usually counted by the score. Higher score that they get, higher quality that they feel. It obviously influence the value of the diploma. They will receive a pretty good diploma if they have good in scoring. Talking about the diploma, the most important thing in it is of course the score. But, how about the quality of the knowledge? 

Nowadays, most of Indonesian thought that knowledge is not really important anymore, the big score in their diploma is enough to bring them to the work world. In learning process, they only think of how the way to get big score. They bury the knowledge. They will do anything to get the high score, without thinking hard and of course without learning process. So, how the way for them to get high score? Through cheating, asking without any permission even forcing their friend who has higher intelligence than them, especially one who has low confidence, and paying someone for doing their task, those all are probably done by them. Unfortunately, the schools, the place for learning itself supports it. Although not all of the school do the same. They gives the key of final examination to the students. Hopefully the students will pass the examination with packing good score. They will get awesome number in their diploma, but incredibly big zero in their brain. People like this are extremely danger for this country. They will only make long list of jobless.

In fact, having high score is not enough at all. The important things are knowledge and skill. What happen with the several intelligent people in this country? Why do they choose to go out from this place and let their own country left behind? It happens because they do not have acceptable place to keep staying. The government cannot supply all the things which is needed to make them choose to stay. They cannot make their own job, so they choose to do transmigration and leave their hometown with all of the unprofessional people. What a horrible situation!

What is the definition of education exactly? Education is making clever the nation’s life (in UUD 1945). There are tree important components in this definition. Those are:

1.      Clever

Clever means that having knowledge which can be used to solve the real problem. Clever does not mean mastering all of the subject, but then looks like dazed when face the real trouble. Clever is ready to apply the knowledge.

2.      Nation

Human is a social creature. It is the most important organism component in the society. As a good people, they must contribute what they have and get to the society and make it become better place. Intelligent people have to spread the knowledge by teaching the other people.

3.      Life

Life is a gift which is given by Allah Ta ‘Ala and as a test from Allah Ta ‘Ala. The philosophy of life is respecting life and do all the best for their life. Life means to remember the death and all what have done must be responsibilited to Allah Ta ‘Ala. One who has live body does not mean that one has live soul. One may agonize the other one enjoyably, do corruption, even throw the rubbish carelessly. Life’s phylosophy is abviously close with individualism where as a human have to help each other, humanize human, increase human’s prestige, and the other good things.

Education must be used to make clever the nation’s life with the good values and awesome skills for making the better place for everyone in this world, for continuing the life for the bright future. It is not about how great the scores in the diploma are and how wonderful the job is!

6 komentar:

Okta Mahendra mengatakan...

Outstanding written

Septika Soohyun mengatakan...

Good information...

Septika Soohyun mengatakan...


ritma mengatakan...

Right, as Nelson Mandela too admit it.. Education is the most lethal weapon in this universe.. You can change the world with it.

Good afternoon.. Visit me back, on
Thank you....

Unknown mengatakan...

ooooooooooow -_-

Anonim mengatakan...

Well, somebody who agrees should changes this paradigm. :D

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